
Consultation launches on proposals for 27 Savile Row

Henigman Limited has launched a public consultation for the emerging proposals for 27 Savile Row which seek to create a sustainable, thriving new office building with a restaurant at ground floor and improved public realm at 27 Savile Row – giving a new lease of life to the northern end of this iconic street. 

Henigman is keen to establish themselves as good neighbours and long-term partners and is committed to engaging with the local community, and is therefore holding a public consultation to gather feedback on the emerging proposals.

You can join us at our consultation events to learn more about our thoughts and to meet the project team. 

We are holding a public exhibition on Tuesday 12th July from 3.00pm – 7.00pm at St James’s Room, 1st Floor, The Cavendish Hotel, 81 Jermyn Street, St. James’s, SW1Y 6JF. 

There will also be a virtual webinar on Thursday 14th July from 6.00pm – 7.00pm, which you can sign up to on the Have Your Say page.  

We want to engage with the local community and understand feedback from stakeholders and neighbours. Please share your thoughts with us by clicking the Have Your Say button, which will take you to our survey.